It was so cold with the wind and the temp hovering near 40 degrees for the start of the bike. But I am a Cross Crusader right?!?! Heck yeah, I wasn't going to put on any jackets or arm warmers like some pansies out there. ;) I chose to show this pic because it hides my gut better (Time to start the diet again).

This pic is my fave. I actually look like I am in decent shape. And yeah I was rockin' the pink jersey. This was taken at about halfway through the run.

Nice jersey ;) I was thinking about getting one, but after I spent 5 minutes making my mind, they were sold out. Dammit.
Great job on your tri, that sounds REALLY tough. The thought of going 12-14mph during a TT...ouch. I HATE wind, I am terrible in it. Not sure why, must be a mental block. That would make me insane though.
Sounds like you did really well! You should be proud!
Yeah, I can't remember how many people that commented on how bad the bike part sucked while I was riding. At least 3 guys turned around to ride back to the start during the first long section into the head wind, they were done.
It was miserable, but I realized that my mind had started shutting out some of the discomfort. For example I hardly realized that my feet were numb from the cold. Weird, but good I suppose.
I am sure you would do fine. With your experiences riding and running long distances you would do great.
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