My time: 6hrs 43min 03 sec
Swim sucked. I almost quit within first 100 yards.
Dave almost drowned he said.
Bike course was great, but the heavy thunderstorm actually stung. It was difficult to see the road at times.
My legs started to cramp up on the bike, probably becuase it was cold. I wasn't able to put out the power I should have been able to do. But other than losing about 5 minutes because of that the bike went as well as could be expected.
Run went ok. I was averaging 10:30/ mile until mile 8. I slowed to about 11:00/ mile after that. Eventually I caught up with Dave and Fish and shut it down to just a slow jog as we all stayed together and crossed the finish line at the same time.
I consumed 12 gels, 2 shot bloks packs, about 200 ounces of various fluids, lots of endurolytes, anti-fatigue pills, sportlegs, and ibuprofen.
I am done with these things for a bit. I am kind of amazed that I swam 1.2 miles, biked 56, and then ran 13.1 without my body shutting down.
Holy crap. Well done, sir. I looked online for the tracking thing that you mentioned and your event was one of the few that didn't have that feature. Go figure.
After seven hours of that I don't blame you for being done with it for awhile.
I will write more details later. I have a few stories to tell. Honestly , I was disappointed in my time. It was 13 minutes slower than my low goal. But, whatever.
I am thinking it is time to look forward to doing shorter, sub-one hour events.
And it is once again time to get on the healthy food wagon.
One of my FB friends was talking big about building up for a tri and posted a bunch of shots from it. Turns out it was a 500m swim, 13 mile bike and 5k run.
I'm at a loss for words.
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