Tubular Tire Adhesion Performance - Part 7
Examination of Tubular Tire Adhesion to Carbon Fiber Rims
Colin S. Howat
Kurata Thermodynamics Laboratory
Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
1530 W 15th, Room 4132
Learned Hall
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7609
Tubular tires are still the choice of many cyclists. The lighter tire/rim combination provides superior acceleration performance. The tires do not pinch flat. Many tubular tire cross sections are uniform, providing predictable cornering.
Recent trends supplant aluminum rims with carbon fiber ones. The latter provide superior stiffness for the same mass. Braking heat dissipation is problematic. Tubular tire adhesives were developed for aluminum rims. Evidence suggests adhesion to carbon fiber is inferior to adhesion to aluminum.
The purpose of this study was to quantify adhesion to carbon fiber with readily available glues. Previous studies demonstrated the superior performance of Continental glue. This glue, along with Vittoria Mastik’One, Panarace Panacement, Clement Gutta and Tufo tape, were compared. The rims used are Bontrager carbon fiber and Wolber Profil 19’s. The tires used are Continental LA’s and Competition 20’s.
Mastik’One is the best glue to use for carbon fiber rims. Continental was the worst performing of the conventional glues.
This is a laboratory study performed under laboratory conditions. Mechanics are urged to use their experience to temper the results presented herein. The mating geometry was typical but not ideal. Gluing to the edges is critical to performance when there is a protruding seam that may interfere with good contact. The safety of the rider is paramount and these results should be combined with experience to
maximize the rider safety.
Tubular tires provide acceleration and cornering advantages over conventional
clincher tires. Further, they are not prone to sudden deflation due to pinch. They are still the tires of choice of many competitive cyclists. KTL has published six papers covering adhesive, tire, rim, application and temperature impact on adhesive performance. For all around use with aluminum rims, Continental glue was superior. It has one of the shortest times to come to full strength. It has less degradation at higher temperatures. It was one of the best for tires with and without latex coated base tapes. It was best or one of the best with non anodized and anodized aluminum rims. It did not separate during storage.
Tubular tires have two adhesive joints. The first, controlled by the tire
manufacturer, holds the base tape to the casing. The second, controlled by the mechanic, holds the base tape to the rim. Solvents in adhesives that are not designed for tubular tire installation can attack the base tape - casing joint. This attack increases the likelihoodthat the tire will roll during cornering or loss of traction situations. Readily available glues at hardware and auto supply stores may not be appropriate for tubular tire applications. Further, ones that may appear to work for some tires will not for others because of the differing properties of the base tape - casing adhesive. In general, mechanics should restrict options to those designed for tubular tire installations.
Carbon fiber with its superior stiffness to weight ratio is supplanting aluminum as
a rim material. The surface properties of carbon fiber resin are substantially different from those of aluminum. Mechanics and riders should anticipate differences in braking and tubular tire adhesion performance.
The purpose of this study is to examine adhesion to carbon fiber rims.
Six glues, two rims and two tires were used in this study.
Three of the glues - Continental, Vittoria Mastik’One and Panaracer Pana Cement
- were ‘clear’, synthetic. One, Clement Gutta, was ‘red’, natural based. One was a tape, Tufo. The last was a polyurethane based glue sold in hardware stores, Probond.
The rims were blank (no spoke holes) Profil 19’s and ‘paired-spoke’ Bontrager
Race Lite XXX. These have nearly the same cross section. The tires were Continental LA’s and Competition 20’s. These have a noticeable seam. The base tape is uncoated.
The protocol used requires a torque wrench, electrical conduit, C-clamp and tire
insert. Glue application, when applicable, was done with an ‘acid’ brush.
Adherence to aluminum and to carbon fiber is the same for Continental rim
cement under this testing protocol. But, the failure is more susceptible to impact failure.
Sanding carbon fiber rims prior to coating with glue provides no benefit.
Mastik’One is the best of the tested glues for carbon fiber rims.
Tufo Tape is inferior to conventional glues in both aluminum and carbon fiber
Elmer’s Probond should not be used in either application.
Gluing at the edge is of paramount importance in these applications.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Carbon Rim Tubular Adhesives Study
Following is the Introduction and conclusion of article that Brian (Brianero) found regarding the quality of the adhesion between a tubular tire and carbon rim when using one of several glues or Tufo tape. It is indeed very interesting.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Total Bummer....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Psycho Cross #3

If you are reading this blog there is a good chance that you like cyclocross and a fairly good chance that you live in Oregon. If both of those things are true you really need to do yourself a favor and make the trip down to Eugene and race the Psycho Cross Series. This is a great series and not enough of us from Portland are making the trip. The location is the same each time but the course is changed for every race. There are some elements that are constant, but the direction of travel varies and the conditions can really drastically change the course from one week to the next. I really enjoy it.
But there is a problem, there are not that many people that race down there. Thankfully there isn't the opposite problem of too many racers, which is how it is in the cross crusade. In the cross crusade races there were usually between 120 and 160 racers in Master C, usually closer to the 160. The exception was during the Saturday Astoria race. At the Psycho Cross race today there were 11 C's and 3 Master C's. We all started at the same time, follows by about 10 Beginners a minute behind us. That was it for the 10am race, no more than 24 or 25 riders on the course at the same time. Compare this to what goes on at the Cross Crusade it it is almost lonely at times if you don't have someone near you.
I was lucky enough to have someone nearby to do battle with. Similar to my other race at the Psycho Cross series a month ago it was a racer that was dealing with mechanic/crash issues. If it weren't for his skewer coming loose and then doing a pit this guy, named Ryan, would have left me in the dust long before he actually did on the last lap. At the finish, the next rider behind me was a few hundred yards back. The guys ahead of Ryan and I were similarly too far ahead to catch. Everyone that finished ahead of me was racing C, so I beat the other two guys racing Master C--meaning that I again won my class. That alone is reason enough to keep heading down there. I got my butt handed to me last weekend at my first Master B race and here I was without any close competition for Master C. I enjoyed this weekend much more.
I enjoyed today not so much because I was the best of three guys in my class, but because, one, the course is a heck of a lot of fun, and two, because everyone was really friendly. It didn't matter that I wasn't a local or that I hadn't met hardly anyone down there before. We were all friendly and cheering each other on during the race, even if we were killing ourselves out there. It was also good to chat with Spears and a couple of the Half Fast Velo guys that made the trip. The guy that I spent most of my time battling, Ryan, was fun to race. We gave each other a hard time a bit while we were out there. When I passed him temporarily at the beginning of the bell lap I told him to stop coasting. He laughed and passed me for the final time about a 1/4 mile later. At the finish line he gave me a hi 5 and introduced himself. I told him he was killing me out there. I told him I thought he would be going just slow enough so that I would torture myself to catch him. Then when I got somewhat close he would blast away again. Torture is what it was. But it was fun.
The course is a blast. It is a mix of fields, singletrack, gravel, a twitchy descent (or run up depending upon how the course is run) with the occasional barrier thrown in. I really enjoyed today's layout. Because the course is not overrun with racers I feel like I can really practice some of my cross skills and do so without having to worry about 200 other racers clogging up things. If you have not experienced Psycho Cross you owe it to yourself to make the trip. It is a great set up with a great bunch of guys running it. Cyclocross without the first lap traffic jams of a Cross Crusade race is kind of awesome.
There were times when I really felt good today. I was hitting it pretty good out of the saddle on many of the straight aways. My max speed was pretty good. I doubt that there were too many racers during the 10am race that got any faster on the higher speed areas of the course that me. I felt great on the single track portions most of the time. Those things that I did well made me feel pretty good about my race overall. I am a much better cross'er than I was last year.
This race was really good for another reason--one of my biggest weaknesses was exposed in a undeniable way. Today's main weakness was that my acceleration is like that of a Cadillac--in other words, my acceleration sucks. I feel like when I am trying to get it going out of the turn or when trying to accelerate through mud that I am using a lot of gas but not getting anywhere. Guys just blow by me. But then once I get to a certain speed I am pretty good at reeling them back. Just like a Cadillac I can cruise at a high speed pretty comfortably. On flats I seem to have a taller gear, or greater max speed than many of those guys that accelerate faster than I do. That is the nice part. If I could just improve my acceleration I think I would make a significant leap in how I perform.
So how do I improve my acceleration? Anyone have suggestions?
Brian said (I think) that I might try some standing hill repeats on the bike. Seems like a good idea. Anyone else have any other suggestions? I would be greatful.
One obvious one is to improve my power to weight ratio. Right now I feel really am the big Cadillac going up against a pack of Subaru WRX's. The guys that beat me are usually skinnier than I am. Or at least I think so. I need to lose the remainder of my gut for next season. I lost a pretty good portion of it, but another 15 or 20 pounds would be ideal. Anyway, suggestions are encouraged.
The pictures at the top I found on someone's Flickr
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Cyclocross Thoughts
I refuse to race at the Washington County Fairgrounds next year if they run the course though the rodeo arena again. Pass. I only do about 2/3 of the races so if I am going to miss some, that will surely be one of the them. I see no reason to run my bike and myself through bull crap (literally) again.
My Tuesday commute was great. I pounded the pavement on my way home and felt strong. Then Wednesday I hurt my back, fairly bad. It felt like someone was pushing their knuckles into the middle of my back. Same thing this morning. So I didn't ride yesterday night, nor today. But this evening things feel quite a bit better. I give a big thumbs up to Excedrin Back and Body for helping me out. Performance has been giving them out for free with some of the ship to store orders and often people just leave them. I grabbed a sample and I was mightily impressed with how quickly it went to work. Much better than Advil. So I think I will be able to race down in Eugene this Saturday.
We are supposed to get some more rain so Saturday's race ought to be much different from my last race down there. I am excited to see how things go. Muddy races have not been as common as one would think here in the Northwest. I will be racing Master C's again. I won my other race down there. But then there were only three other racers...
Circle P has been a nuthouse this week. It certainly has been entertaining.
The following link must be followed. Like Mr. Packfodder, I was rolling--nearly crying--when I read one poor guy's story about shaving a little too much.
And finally, I would like to wish Fish the best of luck down in Arizona. He will be doing his first Ironman. Good job! You have done all the hard work already. He is the Diesel after all.
My Tuesday commute was great. I pounded the pavement on my way home and felt strong. Then Wednesday I hurt my back, fairly bad. It felt like someone was pushing their knuckles into the middle of my back. Same thing this morning. So I didn't ride yesterday night, nor today. But this evening things feel quite a bit better. I give a big thumbs up to Excedrin Back and Body for helping me out. Performance has been giving them out for free with some of the ship to store orders and often people just leave them. I grabbed a sample and I was mightily impressed with how quickly it went to work. Much better than Advil. So I think I will be able to race down in Eugene this Saturday.
We are supposed to get some more rain so Saturday's race ought to be much different from my last race down there. I am excited to see how things go. Muddy races have not been as common as one would think here in the Northwest. I will be racing Master C's again. I won my other race down there. But then there were only three other racers...
Circle P has been a nuthouse this week. It certainly has been entertaining.
The following link must be followed. Like Mr. Packfodder, I was rolling--nearly crying--when I read one poor guy's story about shaving a little too much.
And finally, I would like to wish Fish the best of luck down in Arizona. He will be doing his first Ironman. Good job! You have done all the hard work already. He is the Diesel after all.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Final Cross Crusade Race Or How I Rode Thru Horse and Bull Diarrhea

Yeah, this was part of the course. It was the rodeo arena where it smelled just slighly like sewage. Nasty stuff. During my first pass through the rodeo arena it it was easy to believe that it was the same consistency of tons and tons of diarrhea. Yeah, yeah, gross. But with that smell in certain spots it might as well have been. The rest of the course was technically tame. That is not the same a being easy though. Lots of long grassy stretches that were of the painfully bumpy sort.
I didn't take too many pictures, but you can see what at least the that small part of the course was like if you didn't make the race. The rest of the course was much different--bumpy grassy straight aways, some asphalt, and a little gravel.
I raced Master B's for the first time. I wasn't expecting to blow anyone's doors off, especially since I don't even do that in Master C's. I just wanted to see how I did racing against my betters. I managed to get 79th out of 90, but that was the preliminary results. It could change obviously. I am not terribly disappointed though. This is mainly becuase I was sure I was DFL by midway though the first lap. I couldn't believe it. I looked back at one point and there wasn't anyone there. So I put my head down and tried to catch those that near me. I passed a couple of guys and that was about it. Anyone else riding near me the rest of the race were the Masters 50+ guys. Some of those guys are rockets. Seriously fast they are. So I tried to just give it my best effort. The thing was, with no one immediately around me for much of the second lap it took some mental effort to do so. If there were more guys around me it would have been automatic. I would bet that I would have had a faster time had I raced back in the Master C's today because of the lack of racers near me in my class from mid way thru the 2nd lap on.
During the 3rd and 4th laps I was actually getting out of the saddle to push it, whereas this was not so much case during the first and second laps. I guess I should warm up more. Too bad I didn't have time today before the race. I didn't have much time to do anything before the race becuase I lingered at home to help my wife with the boys. But if I hadn't done so, there would have been some serious issues between she and I, so I just dealt with it and smiled and felt lucky that I got to go with her blessing at all.
When I finished I felt good, like I had another lap in me. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not. Didn't I push it enough? Most of the time. Sometimes, I think I could have pushed a bit harder looking back at several stretches. Whenever there was a rider ahead of me I stepped up my game a bit--finding more in the tank that I thought I had. Thinking about that part of the race sort of irks me a bit.
Do I belong in Master B's? That is what I asked myself after the race. I don't know. Maybe not. This was not the best course for me and my style. Barton was more to my taste. These bumpy rutted courses really hurt my back, I don't especially like them. More mud would have been preferred.
I would have had to have been about 10% faster, or about 5 minutes faster, to finish mid pack. I am not sure much work it would take to get to that level. I am willing to do it, I just need a plan I suppose. I think had I had a great race I would have finished only about a minute faster, but that would not have made much difference today.
I just saw the results, and I looks like 4 of the guys I was counting were DNF, so in fact I was 79th out of 86 finishers. Ouch. But at least I wasn't last. And now I know how much I need to improve to be competitive.
Anyway, I glad I did it. I learned quite a bit. Next year I will be back on a more permanent basis. For the rest of the year (USGP, Psycho Cross) I will continue in Master C's/C's.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lulled into complacency
I rode to work Tuesday in the rain. Then I rode home Tuesday night in the rain. Then I rode to work on Wednesday in the wind and rain--a horrible combo by the way. Then Wednesday night I called Bridget to come get me because it was just nuts out there with the wind, rain and darkness. Even Spears called to tell me not to ride home. I appreciate the concern by the way. But the fact is I was dressed for the weather and the rides were not too bad. Tuesday night was actually some what enjoyable at times despite the rain.
On Thursday I rode to work and I saw the sun. It was relatively warm. Halfway to work I was removing the sleeves off my jacket (removable sleeves are great) and taking my cap off to keep me from overheating. It was a great ride in. Fast forward to night time when we closed shop. I had my P.I. bib knickers on which were perfect for the mid-50 degree temp on the way in. Especially with the sun shining. But when the temp was in the low 40's and dark the knickers were not enough. My full fingered gloves were not enough either. Freezing. Freakin' freezing cold on the way home. Sure my core was relatively warm and my feet because I had my shoe covers on, but my limbs, hands, face, and ears were not happy. And why? Because I packed light because it was so nice when I left the house at 10:30AM. At 8PM, clear and cold it was.
So in order to stay warm I rode hard. But the bad thing about riding hard is that you go fast. So the air when I was riding on the flats or down a hill was often below freezing when you figure the wind chill factor. Yeah, not enjoyable. So I lived and learned.
Another mistake. I stopped at a taco truck on the way home and had a couple of carnitas tacos. Ohh soo good, especially when I was starving. But I cooled down enough to make the next two miles especially miserable until I got to the hilly home stretch where at least my body's core warmed up again. Next time I will skip the tacos no matter how good they are.
On Thursday I rode to work and I saw the sun. It was relatively warm. Halfway to work I was removing the sleeves off my jacket (removable sleeves are great) and taking my cap off to keep me from overheating. It was a great ride in. Fast forward to night time when we closed shop. I had my P.I. bib knickers on which were perfect for the mid-50 degree temp on the way in. Especially with the sun shining. But when the temp was in the low 40's and dark the knickers were not enough. My full fingered gloves were not enough either. Freezing. Freakin' freezing cold on the way home. Sure my core was relatively warm and my feet because I had my shoe covers on, but my limbs, hands, face, and ears were not happy. And why? Because I packed light because it was so nice when I left the house at 10:30AM. At 8PM, clear and cold it was.
So in order to stay warm I rode hard. But the bad thing about riding hard is that you go fast. So the air when I was riding on the flats or down a hill was often below freezing when you figure the wind chill factor. Yeah, not enjoyable. So I lived and learned.
Another mistake. I stopped at a taco truck on the way home and had a couple of carnitas tacos. Ohh soo good, especially when I was starving. But I cooled down enough to make the next two miles especially miserable until I got to the hilly home stretch where at least my body's core warmed up again. Next time I will skip the tacos no matter how good they are.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Challenge, A Dare
This weekend is the LAST cyclocross race in the Cross Crusade series. I have raced 4 of the 7 races so far and, except for the first one, I have been for the most part pleased with my performance. Have I gotten a top 20? Nope. But out of the four races I have two that I placed in the top 25%, a third where I was in the top half and one that I am going to toss out my mental window because I was on the wrong tires for the race (but I still was not much past the 50th percentile). I know there are lots of you guys out there that have done much better than I have. So for those that are consistently placing in the top third or so of their respective classes I have a challenge for you: Move up for this last race to the next category. Obviously if you are racing A's this doesn't apply to you. What do you have to lose? I guess if you are in contention to be one of the top 5 in the overall I can see staying in your given category, but otherwise--Move UP! See what the big deal is in the next category up. Sleep in a bit more with the later start time. See what the course is like later in the day. See what it is like to race against only 80 riders instead of 160. Live a little, take the dare!
I plan to do the Master B race instead of my usual Master C race. I don't expect to place near the top or anything, but I don't think I will come in last. I am going to see if I can use this as a baseline as to what it will take to race Master B's all season long next year.
Brian/Brianero was again today trying to talk me into racing the Master A's with him. Umm no. [Plus, I have my doubts about finishing better than last no matter what he says in Master A's. Dude has only seen me race once at the most and I went to one cross practice with their team. I think he believes I am better than I am. Anyway...] I don't think moving up one class if you have been placing in the top third or even top half of your class a most of the time is extreme. I think it will just stretch us a bit.
Everyone step up! Try it, we may all be surprised at what happens. Or not. Either way we will learn something about ourselves and what it will take to do well on the grander stage.
So if you have any points in your class series, but not enough to make the top 5 or wherever the line is to win a series prize I hope to see you at the next level. And if you haven't but your name is Jim and you have a blog named Pack Fodder, I hope to see you doing the same. You want to race Master B's next year? Well let's see what it takes, even if that means we inhale the debris flinging off at us by 90% of the Master B field. Take the challenge.
I plan to do the Master B race instead of my usual Master C race. I don't expect to place near the top or anything, but I don't think I will come in last. I am going to see if I can use this as a baseline as to what it will take to race Master B's all season long next year.
Brian/Brianero was again today trying to talk me into racing the Master A's with him. Umm no. [Plus, I have my doubts about finishing better than last no matter what he says in Master A's. Dude has only seen me race once at the most and I went to one cross practice with their team. I think he believes I am better than I am. Anyway...] I don't think moving up one class if you have been placing in the top third or even top half of your class a most of the time is extreme. I think it will just stretch us a bit.
Everyone step up! Try it, we may all be surprised at what happens. Or not. Either way we will learn something about ourselves and what it will take to do well on the grander stage.
So if you have any points in your class series, but not enough to make the top 5 or wherever the line is to win a series prize I hope to see you at the next level. And if you haven't but your name is Jim and you have a blog named Pack Fodder, I hope to see you doing the same. You want to race Master B's next year? Well let's see what it takes, even if that means we inhale the debris flinging off at us by 90% of the Master B field. Take the challenge.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More rain please
So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time
So goes the song by the Smiths and I am really wanting a typhoon or something similarly epic for this last Cross Crusade race of the year. Suffering. I want suffering for all in the worst weather possible. I want peanut butter mud with rain coming down in buckets and puddles the size at least a foot deep and 20 feet wide. Yeah, that would do.
Why would I wish for this? Because misery loves company. I am in a pissy mood and I think it would suit my mood to ride in that and I would be fun to have company in that sort of crap out there. After finishing I would feel at leas temporarily better about life. Not that life is bad, but it could be a bit better. At least we are all healthy and getting well enough in the house. Work is still work and this past week has been full of people, or rather just a couple of people, doing some really stupid things. At least the stupid stuff has nothing to do with me. But I am still frustrated with my situation.
I rode home from work tonight in the rain. I was offered a ride--twice--but refused. I was told I was foolish for riding home, but the ride really helped. The bike clothes kept me comfortable for the most part and despite the rain I was pretty comfortable. Pearl Izumi makes some great stuff. If it says "Am Fib" it is perfect for this sort of weather, low to mid 50's and plenty of rain.
Anyway, I know this post rambled a bit, but it helped. And again, as far as the bad weather so far this week--keep bringin' it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Updates: Cycling and Professionally
No racing for me this weekend. I need the money so I am working at the shop for a full shift today instead of going down south to race. And as far as for racing tomorrow--I am hanging with the family. They tire of me being gone on weekends. I will race at the Cross Crusade final next weekend, both days of the USGP and two of the final three Psycho Cross races. That will be the rest of my season--12 races total. Not too shabby.
So far I have 6 races in the top 50%, 4 in the top 25%, a 3rd place and a 1st place (both non-Cross Crusade Races with few other racers). I would count this a successful season thus far.
Professionally, I am still in a flux. I finished my Continuing Legal Education stuff this week. It was a three day conference--which is a reason why I wasn't posting much. I was busy with that and then I worked a few hours at the shop after it ended each day. The CLE was pretty informative and it gave me a chance to gain some perspective regarding my legal future. First of all, the job market is tighter than it has been here in years apparently. Second, going on your own is possible right out of law school. And it is possible to go solo on a shoestring budget. So that is what I am going to do.
I will forgo the office. I will instead make an office at home and do work from here and research at a library. I will have get a PO Box for business stuff. I will advertise narrowly and only after doing some more research among my colleagues regarding what has worked. I will call in favors to get a good web presence. I will spend some time trying to get some more contacts both in and out of the legal realm. I will probably focus a fair amount of my practice to family law because the initial costs are low and the ability to turn the work quick to get a paycheck is better. I may, in lieu of family law or in addition to it, get into one of a couple of other fields depending upon info I get from a couple of people.
These "I will" statements are the result of several conversations with local lawyers that have been through the start up phase. I don't know if these are the right answers, but it is the best that I have right now. I am still working on all of the details. Nevertheless, I feel like I have finally seen a possible path out of the forest. I am not sure if this path leads out the forest or deeper in it though. Frankly, to make this work I am going to need help. So if I call in a favor in the future, just know the following: I am desperate, I would only ask for the favor if I had no other way, and please feel free to advise me and tell me of another route if you think I am being foolhardy. I have been humbled over the past year and I am willing to listen if anyone who has something of value to say.
Up until this past month I really felt like going out on my own was not possible. Now I guess I am desperate enough to dream the impossible. I have little money, school loans are coming due and I am going to put out my own shingle. Sweet. I have no idea how to even practice law really. Law school does so little to prepare you to actually practice. But I do have a pretty good idea about how to figure it all out. I am a fast learner--I hope.
To be clear: I have passed the bar, but at this time I am not a practising lawyer. To hold myself out as a practicing lawyer would require me to obtain professional liability insurance which costs a substantial amount of money. Since I have been spending my time advising folks about which tube they should put into their tires instead of practicing law I had no reason to spend this money. So this post is not a solicitation for business. But soon. Very soon I hope. I don't want anyone thinking this post is about that because that would land me in trouble with bar for doing so without the insurance in place.
I am excited while fairly anxious. I think this will be a good thing. It will all work out if I can pay our bills, have some time for the family and some riding/racing and enough money left over for a new ride of some sort. I mean those are the necessities of life, right?
So far I have 6 races in the top 50%, 4 in the top 25%, a 3rd place and a 1st place (both non-Cross Crusade Races with few other racers). I would count this a successful season thus far.
Professionally, I am still in a flux. I finished my Continuing Legal Education stuff this week. It was a three day conference--which is a reason why I wasn't posting much. I was busy with that and then I worked a few hours at the shop after it ended each day. The CLE was pretty informative and it gave me a chance to gain some perspective regarding my legal future. First of all, the job market is tighter than it has been here in years apparently. Second, going on your own is possible right out of law school. And it is possible to go solo on a shoestring budget. So that is what I am going to do.
I will forgo the office. I will instead make an office at home and do work from here and research at a library. I will have get a PO Box for business stuff. I will advertise narrowly and only after doing some more research among my colleagues regarding what has worked. I will call in favors to get a good web presence. I will spend some time trying to get some more contacts both in and out of the legal realm. I will probably focus a fair amount of my practice to family law because the initial costs are low and the ability to turn the work quick to get a paycheck is better. I may, in lieu of family law or in addition to it, get into one of a couple of other fields depending upon info I get from a couple of people.
These "I will" statements are the result of several conversations with local lawyers that have been through the start up phase. I don't know if these are the right answers, but it is the best that I have right now. I am still working on all of the details. Nevertheless, I feel like I have finally seen a possible path out of the forest. I am not sure if this path leads out the forest or deeper in it though. Frankly, to make this work I am going to need help. So if I call in a favor in the future, just know the following: I am desperate, I would only ask for the favor if I had no other way, and please feel free to advise me and tell me of another route if you think I am being foolhardy. I have been humbled over the past year and I am willing to listen if anyone who has something of value to say.
Up until this past month I really felt like going out on my own was not possible. Now I guess I am desperate enough to dream the impossible. I have little money, school loans are coming due and I am going to put out my own shingle. Sweet. I have no idea how to even practice law really. Law school does so little to prepare you to actually practice. But I do have a pretty good idea about how to figure it all out. I am a fast learner--I hope.
To be clear: I have passed the bar, but at this time I am not a practising lawyer. To hold myself out as a practicing lawyer would require me to obtain professional liability insurance which costs a substantial amount of money. Since I have been spending my time advising folks about which tube they should put into their tires instead of practicing law I had no reason to spend this money. So this post is not a solicitation for business. But soon. Very soon I hope. I don't want anyone thinking this post is about that because that would land me in trouble with bar for doing so without the insurance in place.
I am excited while fairly anxious. I think this will be a good thing. It will all work out if I can pay our bills, have some time for the family and some riding/racing and enough money left over for a new ride of some sort. I mean those are the necessities of life, right?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barton Park Pictures
I just received the full size version of the picture below. I like it despite the blurr. Thanks to canis studio. 

Below is Matt, who I battled on the last lap.

I swiped the pictures from the following sites: ratspike, brujo, and So So Velo. Thanks for being out there and risking your equipment in that mess!

Below is Matt, who I battled on the last lap.

I swiped the pictures from the following sites: ratspike, brujo, and So So Velo. Thanks for being out there and risking your equipment in that mess!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I made the Daily Astorian's video report of the Cross Crusade race that went down a couple weekends ago. I am in there for a whole 2 seconds around the 48-50 second mark of the video. I am even hammering out of the saddle, oh yeah. Frickin' sweet!
Too bad I don't seem to be going too fast for my effort, but at least my gut doesn't seem to be showing.
Too bad I don't seem to be going too fast for my effort, but at least my gut doesn't seem to be showing.
My Definition of a Sandbagger
Sorry to be negative, but maybe someone can tell me why when a person has a resume like this:

that one would still be slumming it in the Master C's? It just seems silly. This rider's time would have placed him in the top 15 in Master B's out of 80-ish riders in that group. Dude, time to move up. Five top fives in the six Cross Crusade races is impressive, especially when thay are coming when the fields are often topping 150 racers.
I would love to move up. My time would have put me about 70th out of 80 in Master B's. I still may do Hillsboro as a Master B just for the heck of it. But to that dude up above, I just shake my head at you and a couple of others that also really should be up a class.
The thing is that it just makes no sense not to move up if you are the rider above. There isn't any prize for winning the Cross Crusade series as a Master C. Maybe you are in a competition for the BAR (Best All-around Rider) deal that OBRA does, but to get you points by staying in a lower level than your ability warrants is kind of cheesy. I hope that is not the reason these guys are still down in Master C's.
The top two or three guys are fast, and you DESERVE to be in Master B's. I think that is pretty cool. So move on up guys. It is past time.
that one would still be slumming it in the Master C's? It just seems silly. This rider's time would have placed him in the top 15 in Master B's out of 80-ish riders in that group. Dude, time to move up. Five top fives in the six Cross Crusade races is impressive, especially when thay are coming when the fields are often topping 150 racers.
I would love to move up. My time would have put me about 70th out of 80 in Master B's. I still may do Hillsboro as a Master B just for the heck of it. But to that dude up above, I just shake my head at you and a couple of others that also really should be up a class.
The thing is that it just makes no sense not to move up if you are the rider above. There isn't any prize for winning the Cross Crusade series as a Master C. Maybe you are in a competition for the BAR (Best All-around Rider) deal that OBRA does, but to get you points by staying in a lower level than your ability warrants is kind of cheesy. I hope that is not the reason these guys are still down in Master C's.
The top two or three guys are fast, and you DESERVE to be in Master B's. I think that is pretty cool. So move on up guys. It is past time.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Barton Park: Race Report
I you read the prior two posts you know that my day started a little rough. But I was really cheered up for a few reasons:
Joel, the store manager was very willing to meet me at the bike shop so I could grab my bike. I was very appreciative.
Mike Rosenfeld, to whom I was selling some pedals, offered me one of a couple of bikes so that I could race. When I told him that they were too big, he said he was going to make some calls to see if he could find the right size.
Brian Spears was prepared to let me race his Salsa. He also offered encouragement by way of the following:
Actually, I probably would have been willing to do the A's just to be out there today. Still, I would have been intimidated regardless of what Brian said. I don't think he know how slow I am compared to him and the other Master A's.
Lane at the shop text'd me and called to make sure that I was coming out too.
I really appreciated all of the help and encouragement. Once I got out there I was lucky enough not to have forgotten anything else. Due to all of the scrabbling to get out there, I only had a blueberry muffin on the drive in and then a gel about 15 minutes before the race.
Anyway...on with the race report.
44 guys out of the 160 Master C racers were called up today. Crazy that 44 different guys have managed to get a point by placing in the top 18 so far this year. Of course I have not managed to place that high so I am stuck back in the lottery. Because of a favorable lottery position I ended up being about 60 or more places back, which is pretty good considering that there were nearly a 100 guys behind me.
At the start whistle we were off--slowly. It just seemed to take for ever for the pack to get going. I tried to get an outside line so that I could be aggressive, but once things got to speed it was difficult and somewhat dangerous to get off the worn path into the loose gravel in order to pass. I still did it a couple of times, but it made me a little itchy to be out there for long.
Then, in the first slow muddy spot I made a stupid mistake. Actually, it was a total brain-fart. I meant to shift several gears easier, but instead I shifter about 4 gears harder. Duh. I guess I should ride that bike more. It is the only bike that I have with Campy shifters and I guess it hasn't become second nature yet. As a result of the mis-shift I actually had to dab and then shift to an easier gear. Everyone that I had passed plus several additional guys that started behind me went right on by. This totally torqued me off. "To have blown it so early..." was my negative thought that I had then, but I scrubbed it off and found a rider up ahead and concentrated on using him as a carrot to pull me back up the ranks.
I used this "carrot" method the entire race. It was usually pretty easy to see any where from 100 feet to a 100 yards ahead so this trick was effective. First it was some guy in a maroon and white jersey, then it was Jim Hinkley (Jim Medeiros' arch nemesis--missed out you there Medeiros) who I passed about 1/3 the way through the second lap.
Then it was some Organic Athlete rider that was the carrot, followed a Tireless Velo guy and then finally on the last lap it was Matt Eisiminger, who I used to work with at Circle P. There were a couple of guys between he and I and I don't remember if I passed them or not. I just put the blinders on and powered into a smaller cog and focused on bridging the gap. And slowly I started pulling Matt closer. In the asphalt parking lot in the actual Barton Park area of the course I thought I might be able to gain some more ground, but I actually lost a bit of ground initially. I stopped looking at him and just put my head down and pumped my legs. When I looked up he was closer and I just tried to carry some speed in to the short rocky, bumpy part that went through the bushes and trees. I did and I knew that for the first time I would be able to beat him in a race. He ended up only finishing about 10 seconds back of me, but that was enough. Matt was way cool about it, offering me encouragement as I passed him. I just had no energy to talk to offer any encouragement back. I hope he didn't think I was rude--I was just spent.
Running up the the finish line really hurt--I was trying not to get repassed by anyone. Once past the finish line I had to quickly find a clear spot to kneel down. I couldn't hardly keep myself up. My mouth was all frothy from the effort that last lap. It was a good feeling. Good to have felt like I did well, and good to be done.
This race hurt so much less than Astoria. I didn't have much back pain. The course was much smoother and still in good shape for our race. I understand that later races weren't so lucky. I also understand that there may have been a racer with a broken jaw, another one or two with broken collar bones, and a host of other with scrapes and even full body rashes from crashing. Gratefully, other than the one mis-shift issue, my race was pretty clean. Sure there were little errors here and there with a few bad lines, but nothing too horrible. I did wind up with a dirty/muddy chamois which made my crack a little raw, but that discomfort seems to have gone away at this point.
I forgot the camera again, but when I find some good pictures I will post them or link to them.
Oh and the Neuvation Carbon wheels--still solid. The Fangos did great as well. I know that Brian in particular thought I was a little nuts for running them, but the gamble paid off I suppose.
Joel, the store manager was very willing to meet me at the bike shop so I could grab my bike. I was very appreciative.
Mike Rosenfeld, to whom I was selling some pedals, offered me one of a couple of bikes so that I could race. When I told him that they were too big, he said he was going to make some calls to see if he could find the right size.
Brian Spears was prepared to let me race his Salsa. He also offered encouragement by way of the following:
And hell, race the A’s! You’ll still beat people, I promise. Nut it up and don’t be intimidated. Even if you’re DFL, you’re at least out there.
Actually, I probably would have been willing to do the A's just to be out there today. Still, I would have been intimidated regardless of what Brian said. I don't think he know how slow I am compared to him and the other Master A's.
Lane at the shop text'd me and called to make sure that I was coming out too.
I really appreciated all of the help and encouragement. Once I got out there I was lucky enough not to have forgotten anything else. Due to all of the scrabbling to get out there, I only had a blueberry muffin on the drive in and then a gel about 15 minutes before the race.
Anyway...on with the race report.
44 guys out of the 160 Master C racers were called up today. Crazy that 44 different guys have managed to get a point by placing in the top 18 so far this year. Of course I have not managed to place that high so I am stuck back in the lottery. Because of a favorable lottery position I ended up being about 60 or more places back, which is pretty good considering that there were nearly a 100 guys behind me.
At the start whistle we were off--slowly. It just seemed to take for ever for the pack to get going. I tried to get an outside line so that I could be aggressive, but once things got to speed it was difficult and somewhat dangerous to get off the worn path into the loose gravel in order to pass. I still did it a couple of times, but it made me a little itchy to be out there for long.
Then, in the first slow muddy spot I made a stupid mistake. Actually, it was a total brain-fart. I meant to shift several gears easier, but instead I shifter about 4 gears harder. Duh. I guess I should ride that bike more. It is the only bike that I have with Campy shifters and I guess it hasn't become second nature yet. As a result of the mis-shift I actually had to dab and then shift to an easier gear. Everyone that I had passed plus several additional guys that started behind me went right on by. This totally torqued me off. "To have blown it so early..." was my negative thought that I had then, but I scrubbed it off and found a rider up ahead and concentrated on using him as a carrot to pull me back up the ranks.
I used this "carrot" method the entire race. It was usually pretty easy to see any where from 100 feet to a 100 yards ahead so this trick was effective. First it was some guy in a maroon and white jersey, then it was Jim Hinkley (Jim Medeiros' arch nemesis--missed out you there Medeiros) who I passed about 1/3 the way through the second lap.
Then it was some Organic Athlete rider that was the carrot, followed a Tireless Velo guy and then finally on the last lap it was Matt Eisiminger, who I used to work with at Circle P. There were a couple of guys between he and I and I don't remember if I passed them or not. I just put the blinders on and powered into a smaller cog and focused on bridging the gap. And slowly I started pulling Matt closer. In the asphalt parking lot in the actual Barton Park area of the course I thought I might be able to gain some more ground, but I actually lost a bit of ground initially. I stopped looking at him and just put my head down and pumped my legs. When I looked up he was closer and I just tried to carry some speed in to the short rocky, bumpy part that went through the bushes and trees. I did and I knew that for the first time I would be able to beat him in a race. He ended up only finishing about 10 seconds back of me, but that was enough. Matt was way cool about it, offering me encouragement as I passed him. I just had no energy to talk to offer any encouragement back. I hope he didn't think I was rude--I was just spent.
Running up the the finish line really hurt--I was trying not to get repassed by anyone. Once past the finish line I had to quickly find a clear spot to kneel down. I couldn't hardly keep myself up. My mouth was all frothy from the effort that last lap. It was a good feeling. Good to have felt like I did well, and good to be done.
This race hurt so much less than Astoria. I didn't have much back pain. The course was much smoother and still in good shape for our race. I understand that later races weren't so lucky. I also understand that there may have been a racer with a broken jaw, another one or two with broken collar bones, and a host of other with scrapes and even full body rashes from crashing. Gratefully, other than the one mis-shift issue, my race was pretty clean. Sure there were little errors here and there with a few bad lines, but nothing too horrible. I did wind up with a dirty/muddy chamois which made my crack a little raw, but that discomfort seems to have gone away at this point.
I forgot the camera again, but when I find some good pictures I will post them or link to them.
Oh and the Neuvation Carbon wheels--still solid. The Fangos did great as well. I know that Brian in particular thought I was a little nuts for running them, but the gamble paid off I suppose.
Whew! Got the Bike...
and made my race. Race report later. It was worth the trip out there though. I had a blast.
I just realized that I left my bike at the shop and can't get it until noon tomorrow--too late to get to the race in time. In fact too late to get to any race in time except the A's.
Totally bummed...
Totally bummed...
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