Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Slight Change of Schedule

I had planned on racing Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Cyclocross Nationals in Bend. However, I am cutting out the Saturday race and heading back a day early.

Reason #1 is that I am driving the Civic and there is supposed to be some bad weather coming in on Saturday sometime. I would have to really haul butt back after my 2PM race to make it back home before the roads got pretty bad around the Santiam Pass. Rather, I probably would be driving in horrible conditions through that area. I don't feel like pushing it. Plus, I am a stresser, so having to race with that drive hanging over my head would suck all the joy out of it. Staying over until Sunday to come back is not really an option because of commitments I made to the family.

Reason #2 is that I have had the flu for the past couple of days. I haven't eaten much and my energy level is low. Racing 3 days in a row seems foolish when I am not feeling stellar.

Reason #3 is related to reason #2. The temps in Bend have been below freezing over the past couple of days. My lungs historically give me fits if I push it when it is really cold. Like at the USGP, I was hacking all the rest of that day. And it is supposed to be just as cold, perhaps colder there. Racing in the 20's or so for three consecutive days would in such conditions would hurt worse each day and I am thinking that third day will be especially stupid for me. Bridget says that I am stupid just for going...so I think I will try to keep it at just stupid instead of especially stupid.

Anyway, I am driving up tomorrow afternoon. I hope to have fun, not be too far off the back and be safe.

Other news: The Mule is finished, but I will post pictures when I have some better ones. It looks great!

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