Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2010 Thus Far

Year to date: 486.34 miles
January: 177.30 miles
February: 258.96 miles
March (as of today): 50.08

Total elevation gain in 2010: 28,166 feet

I love my Garmin.


Brianero said...

That's a good February! Cool. Let's see what lies the Garmin spews tomorrow.

Mr. Flynn said...

Lets see how ugly my 39th starts out. Looking forward to it. Sort of.

Loving the Bike said...

You're putting up some big miles considering the weather....great job man. Hey, what model of Garmin are you using?

Mr. Flynn said...

It is a Garmin Edge 500. It is not much bigger than a regular cyclocomputer. Loads of info. Only diss is the altimeter is often a bit off when you start. The elevation gain and loss is pretty accurate though.